Timing is everything. A well-planned exit often starts years in advance of the ultimate event.
SGJ has the experience to document and implement efficient and modern structures to help you protect what you have built in your lifetime.
Succession planning provides security for your family and gives you peace of mind.
Whether through accident, disease or death, the day will come when you can no longer personally provide for the financial, health and emotional wellbeing of those you love.
Estate Planning is not just about having a Will. It involves the review, management and control of your personal, family and business affairs while you are alive and when you pass away.
Estate Planning can be as simple as having a Will, but often involves powers of attorney, enduring guardianships and sometimes more. A well-considered Estate Plan can cover your:
Current lifestyle needs
Retirement plans
Business arrangements
Tax position
Future critical events such as divorce
Health scares and family disputes as well as ensuring your assets go exactly where you wish them to go
Our Wills, probate and estate planning lawyers have a thorough knowledge of this potentially complex area. We can advise you on:
Completing and updating a Will
Preparing powers of attorney
Preparing enduring powers of guardianship
Administration of a deceased estate, including superannuation and death benefits, and Will disputes
A well thought-out plan includes components (including legal documents) that are coordinated with your retirement, investment and wealth accumulation strategies.
It involves the consideration of asset protection, risk management (insurance and asset protection), taxation, investment planning, retirement planning and the use of legal structures all designed and coordinated to meet a your needs, and those of your family.